How to maintain your garden like a pro in 4 easy steps

Seasonal Jobs

Amidst the rapid urbanization, more people are still getting interested in maintaining small gardens within their properties. Some consider gardening as a form of art to harmonize with the elegance of their home while others consider it as a channel to relieve their stress and to exercise. Many people also practice organic gardening for a sustainable supply of fresh fruits and vegetables in their backyards.


Maintaining a healthy garden requires ample knowledge, a set of skills, and experience. Even those who have been maintaining their own gardens for years are still confused with what practices need to be done. For professional garden maintenance and landscaping needs, you may consult with a garden specialist near you. Most garden procedures are, however, not that complicated and can be accomplished using a couple of tips and tricks. Learn how to maintain your garden like a pro with these 4 easy steps.

  1. Water the plants properly.

This step requires following the proper procedures in the right timing. If your area receives a good amount of rainfall throughout the year then you might not need to water your plants very often. During hot and dry days, moisture easily evaporates from plants and soil. It is recommended to water your garden one to two times each week during the evening or early in the morning to allow moisture to be absorbed into the soil.

Use a sprinkler for watering plants and avoid dumping too much water at once. If possible, only water the roots and the soil to prevent the formation of molds on the leaves. Different types of soils have different rates of absorption. Typically, an inch of water is enough for the plants for an entire week. A good indicator of a properly hydrated soil is that it should still feel moist up to a depth of 2 to 3 inches or roughly the length of your thumb.

  1. Nourish the soil.

If you are planning to put up an organic garden, avoid using chemical fertilizers and use organic compost (rotted plants and/or animal manure) instead. Make sure to use compost materials that have been properly degraded to get rid of pathogens and avoid the spread of diseases in your garden. Mixing compost at least three inches thick to the top 12 inches of soil is good enough to nourish your garden for a whole season.

  1. Get rid of weeds and insects.

Weeds compete for nutrients in the soil, stunting your plants’ growth and making them appear less healthy. Check every week for weeds before they get out of control. Remove them from the roots using a shovel. Layering your garden with at least 4 inches of mulch or straw is also a great way to prevent weeds from sprouting and to retain moisture in the soil as well. Watch out for insects too which may damage the plants and transmit infectious diseases. Pests thrive on stressed plants; so make sure that your garden receives enough sunlight, water, and nutrition all the time.

  1. Prepare for the cold season.

Even if you live in lower latitudes, it is still important to clean up your garden before the cold season arrives. Cut away the leaves and branches that are already infected with fungus and other microorganisms.  Make sure that the plants are not overcrowded to prevent the spread of diseases and to ensure that each of them receives proper nutrition from the soil. Also, remove any debris that may become potential hiding places for pests.



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