Care For Indoor Bamboo Plants

Indoor Plants

Care For Indoor Bamboo Plants – Care for indoor bamboo plants ensures in healthy growth of bamboo plant. It includes proper fertilization, nourishment and sapping. These in reality are wild long grass that grows in the tropical region amidst the warm climate. Due to its easiness and ornamental look they are usually grown indoors. Alphonse Karr and Japonica are some of the fabulous plants that are usually grown at home. Since these are sturdy plants various steps have to be implemented to ensure their growth. Caring of indoor bamboo plants becomes easier as an individual gets familiar to it.

Maintaining tips

   – Care for indoor bamboo plants can be done by embedding the them in a pot with soil containing mix of fragmented rocks, pebbles and clay. This helps in proper drainage. Otherwise water gets saturated resulting into rotting of roots.


   – Watering needs to be done keeping in mind the climatic conditions of the area. Normally, soil speedily dries out when kept indoors. Coiling of leaves shows that it is not getting water properly whereas, sagging signifies over watering.

   – Place the plant in area where it can get adequate sunlight and enough shade.

   – Care for them also depends upon regular organic feeding of chicken manure, N: 10, P: 6 and K: 5 done in small quantities.


   – Misting is another important step. It is spraying spurt of water on plant. It is used to imitate the damp conditions that bamboo is habitat to. Use of vaporizer can be done for misting.

   – Bamboos are usually resistant to pests but sometimes they might get infected by fungus, insects and microbes that cause spots on it. So, pesticides have to be sprayed.

   – Care for indoor bamboo plants hugely depends on the time of its planting.If it is planted in winter season then dense protection is required so that soil remains loose deep down even in frigid neighboring.


Caring of taller bamboo plants

If an individual wants to grow tall bamboo plants, then routine trimming and tapering has to be done, so that its branches don’t over spread. Discard away the shrunken stems of the plant by cutting it at the soil bed level. Care for them also includes restricting its height. It can be controlled by cutting it above nodes.


Bamboo sometimes extends till ceiling of house in such case, cut out the stalk off the uppermost branch. If lower stems have less or no branches, then cut it from its lower third and reduce the branches till second node of every branch. This encourages growing of new, tender branches. An individual can also surround the pot with barricade, to accentuate the spreading of plant. Soil near the barrier has to be hard without any air pockets.







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